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Out-of-the-box ABM

Extend your marketing mix outside the "Facebook/Adwords" box

3 min read

Changing Marketers Minds about Out of Home (OOH) Advertising

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising has largely been seen as a channel for a big brand awareness moment. A one-time, flashy, expensive billboard "you can't miss". But this limited view has held OOH back. Marketers are missing how OOH can do far more than make an impression. Out-of-home advertising has the potential to connect, build trust, and drive revenue. Let's unpack why we've kept OOH in such a small box and why thinking outside of it might be a game-changer for your 2024 marketing strategy.

The Legacy of Out-Of-Home

Changing Dynamics in Digital Marketing

As consumer behaviors evolved throughout the digital age, so did marketing strategies. Particularly in the last 5 years, we've seen consumers become overwhelmed with content, become more selective, and seek personalized experiences tailored to their preferences.

Research shows that 71 percent of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions. And the story doesn’t end there: 76 percent get frustrated when this doesn’t happen.

This seismic shift in behavior required marketing strategists to consider new approaches. Marketers face a crossroads to transition from blanket, spray-and-pray tactics to precision-targeted, audience-focused strategies. Granular consumer insights have become crucial to understanding and anticipating the needs of individual buyers.

What's more, digital footprints—from social media to web history—have unlocked a trove of data. Great marketers are expected to leverage these insights to decode habits, predict intents, and engage meaningfully. Every touchpoint and interaction requires thoughtful optimization based on audience analytics.

Digital marketing expectations evolved from driving impressions to making a real business impact.

Out-of-home was Left Behind

As digital marketing becomes smarter and more precise, this is where many marketers abandoned OOH.  

They considered it an old-school medium, as digital raced ahead with measurement and precision. OOH just didn’t fit smoothly into the modern buyer’s journey or the marketer's playbook. It created a spectacular first impression, but it struggled to drive tangible downstream results.

This divide widened as data-driven targeting took off. OOH was seen as lacking sophistication compared to social media and search. For many, it evoked nostalgia but didn’t earn its place among channels more adept at driving outcomes. 

Reevaluating OOH for Modern Marketers

New measurements, formats, and innovative campaigns have brought out-of-home advertising back into marketer's playbooks. OOH has morphed into immersive installations, interactive environments, and contextual messaging that transcends traditional utility. The long-held assumption it just 'caught the eyes' yet did little to drive outcomes directly is coming undone. 

Most pivotally, marketers now strategically integrate OOH into holistic plans mapped to metrics and KPIs. No longer siloed as a standalone tactic, it’s deliberately incorporated throughout the customer journey to align with specific business goals. Rather than using OOH as a pure brand exposure play, to a channel driving tangible impact.

Whether it’s hyperlocal personalization or seamless hand-offs between channels, leading brands are proving that OOH can influence audience behaviors to move the revenue needle. These results illuminate expanded playbooks beyond fleeting impressions and toward strategic influence.

Luxury bedding company Cozy Earth embraced this modern perspective of out-of-home, and it worked.

OOH 2.0 Spotlight: Cozy Earth

As with many small but fast-growing brands, Cozy Earth's marketing tactics needed to span the full funnel, they needed to execute a playbook that would increase brand awareness among their target ICP, and also increase sales and revenue. 

We shared all the campaign planning and execution details in this blog, but here's the TL, DR: an eight-week campaign of  DOOH and OOH billboards in a city where their ICP lived, worked, and played delivered fantastic results. Cozy earth saw:

  • Direct traffic increased goal completion by 38%
  • Search traffic increased goal completion by 35%
  • Brand search traffic increased by 75% YoY  
OOH 2.0 - What's the Difference?

Why did this work for brands like Cozy Earth? What's the difference between the old way and the new way? Campaign integration, a target market focus, and data-driven execution.

  • Marketers who orchestrate OOH and digital in harmony are weaving one coherent narrative throughout their customers' online and offline interactions.
  • New technology enables marketers to target their ICPs with out-of-home ads. 
  • Powerful analytics give marketers a more comprehensive understanding of the ROI generated by OOH campaigns.
  • Analyzing campaign data enables each campaign to get better over time. Marketers can optimize their strategies for maximum impact.

The emergence of OOH 2.0 addresses the longstanding measurement challenges and paves the way for OOH to claim its position as a measurable and impactful component within the broader marketing landscape.

Group 2628

As this evolution continues, the integration and synergy between OOH and digital channels will redefine how brands engage with their audiences, offering a more cohesive and immersive brand experience throughout the customer journey. 

Transform Your Marketing with Out-Of-Home 2.0

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has undergone a remarkable transformation. Previously considered a tool for only brand visibility and attention, leading brands are discovering that OOH 2.0 can play a multidimensional role and integrate seamlessly with digital tactics to make the entire marketing campaign more impactful. Its ability to captivate attention and drive tangible results has shifted the perception from a mere awareness tool to an impactful medium that influences consumer behavior.

Marketers seeking data-driven strategies are discovering the potential of OOH beyond its traditional role. With enhanced measurability and a focus on audience-centric targeting, OOH's evolution reflects a new chapter—one where it complements digital channels, drives engagement throughout the customer journey, and reshapes how brands connect with their audiences. Reach out to our team to see what OOH 2.0 can do for your brand