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Let's Talk
Let's Talk

Jeanne Hopkins

How Billboards Work - What Is A Bulletin?

If marketing were a family, a billboard would be the distant cousin. You know, the lively one who enters a room and immediately grabs everyone’s...

Techniques Performance Marketers Use to Track Campaign Conversions in the Real World

A report by PJ Solomon reports that people spend 70 percent or more of their hours awake outdoors, boosting the power and potential success of an...

Why OOH Isn't Just for Retail

Performance marketers use different methods when tracking conversions in the online world, including Cost Per Click, Cost Per Action, and Lifetime...

Create Your Own QR Experience

Talk about making the game-winning play! Coinbase stole the show among Super Bowl viewers, driving 20 million website visits in just one minute with...

3 Disruptive Ways to Increase Brand Awareness

What does marketing even mean right now? In the age of the consumer, brands must constantly re-invent themselves if they’re to remain competitive....

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Crypto Brand

Crypto is fast gaining a foothold in every aspect of the finance world. With applications from banking and finance to healthcare, blockchain...

All CPM is Not Equal (Your Target Audience PLACE Matters More)

Cost per Mille (CPM), also called Cost per thousand, is the most common method in digital marketing for pricing web advertisements. Different factors...

10 Examples of Effective OOH Advertising

Combining creativity and relevancy is the key to a successful and effective Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising campaign. OOH features different formats,...

Selling at Speed: Designing Roadside Signage That Works

Traditional print, 3D or digital, billboards are the Big Daddy of out of home advertising. But their larger-than-life size does not mean you can cram...

Make the Trip With Your Customer By Using Outdoor Advertising

Travel is essential for so many businesses, it’s no surprise that pent-up demand to get back out there and do business is driving a steady increase...