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Out-of-the-box ABM

Extend your marketing mix outside the "Facebook/Adwords" box

3 min read

Connecting with Audiences on Connected TV

Television advertising has long held special appeal for marketers. The ads are long enough and allow full motion so you can tell more of your brand’s story and make an emotional connection with viewers. Plus, there’s no denying that seeing your ad on a sizeable screen has a greater impact than a smaller device. Connected TV enables advertisers to reach more coveted television viewers – not only those watching via broadcast and cable but those who have cut the cord in favor of streaming options.

Yes, subscription streaming services preclude ads. However, most consumers, especially those who subscribe to multiple services, now say they would rather watch ads than pay for the service. In response, an increasing number of streaming providers now offer both paid and unpaid service options. With that expanded reach, CTV makes television advertising cost-effective once again, even for smaller brands.

But that’s just the beginning.

CTV + out-of-home = a whole world of benefits

CTV ads reach targets on all of their connected devices at home, but connected TVs exist out in the real world, too. When it’s not at home, CTV is called DOOH, or digital out-of-home. DOOH allows you to stay top of mind with your audience when they’re going about their business around town, driving from town to town or on the fly. Wherever they are, your brand and message can be there, too.

Digital out-of-home is fast becoming an essential ingredient in omni-channel advertising campaigns. Pair it with CTV in home – the other fastest-growing channel -- and you can look forward to more successful campaigns with higher ROI. CTV and DOOH ads cannot be skipped or ignored, giving them added power to build brand awareness, generate leads and close sales. Using 3+ channels can produce a purchase rate 287% higher than a single-channel campaign.

Connected screens are everywhere – waiting rooms, lobbies, inside buses and taxis, in retail stores and service businesses, in the mall, on the wall, sidewalk banners and bus benches – anywhere people congregate or pass by.

You can reach digital audiences without worrying about privacy issues that now threaten online digital advertising. And you can pique their interest with content and presentation that offers relief from pandemic-induced digital fatigue.

Making CTV + DOOH work for you

How can you blend CTV advertising into your overall ad mix?

Out-of-home excels at delivering eye-catching visuals, but hands-on experiences are even more memorable. Interactive ads motivate viewers to engage with you, right now. In fact, 75% say they have picked up their phone to follow up after seeing an ad. Wishing you could score world-class engagement like Coinbase did with their now-famous Super Bowl ad? Sharethrough’s dynamic QR code accessory allows you to add a QR code to any DOOH ad.

Check out these imaginative examples of interactive DOOH:

  •         An embedded camera detects certain viewer demographics and automatically displays the most relevant content from multiple available options.
  •         A screen inside an elevator identifies riders wearing glasses and shows them content about laser eye surgery.  

Sponsoring content is another way to boost awareness of your brand or a specific product or service.

Consider running a joint promotion with the streaming service or DOOH media owner. This adds credibility by associating your name with another well-known and respected entity. You might call it vicarious brand equity. It can also give your brand a contextual boost – for example, promoting your wellness product on screens in medical offices or fitness centers.  

Since you can track data such as location and mobile device proximity, you can reinforce your message by re-targeting audiences who saw your DOOH ad with CTV ads they will see back home.

Targeting for meet-ups that matter

  •         Demographics

We’ve noted that CTV allows more specific targeting than linear TV. That requires knowing more about the personas and behaviors of your audience. Smartphones are just one source marketers are using to gather that instructive data.

  •         Location

Out of home is a big space. Geo-targeting ensures your OOH and DOOH ads will reach the right audience at the right time. Location-related factors can help you pinpoint placements and tailor content to fit the context. Want to reach everyone within a certain radius to promote your next performance or support your conference sponsorship? You can set strategic location parameters for your ads using tools such as Geopath.

You can repurpose content to fit each format (not to mention other channels within your campaign strategy) or the context in which ads will appear, further personalizing targeting and reinforcing your message across online and offline resources.

Tracking to optimize campaigns and gain insight

CTV ads can be more precisely targeted than on linear TV, where you are limited by content demographics. Combining DOOH with CTV further expands targeting opportunities by adding geographic, time of day and contextual data. Strategus claims you could reach “a gluten-free, fitness loving, college student that makes impulsive purchases between 11PM and 2AM on her mobile device, mostly on weekends.”

Real-time tracking facilitates in-campaign tweaks to increase response and ROI.

CTV’s high ad completion rates can boost re-targeting results. Your ad calls attention to your message, then re-targeting delivers actionable CTAs tight to their computer or mobile devices.

While CTV screens are internet-driven, DOOH screens receive content via apps. That means advertising can be programmed using complex criteria to automatically target and deliver your ad when and where it will be most effective. Programmatic advertising seamlessly integrates CTV and DOOH for maximum impact. makes it easy to connect

We’ve created a comprehensive OOH marketplace strategically positioned at the intersection of simple and free. Media owners, vendors and buyers can connect within a single platform to design, execute, optimize, analyze and reap the rewards of an OOH campaign well done, in and out of home.