When you think of the number of ways people can consume your out-of-home advertising, it’s really quite a full menu. No matter what they’re doing, or when, you can ensure the right people see your message. Digital out-of-home screens run the gamut from eye-boggling spectaculars to street side banners, benches and kiosks to indoor media at the store or the gym or in an elevator.
So DOOH reaches your audience along whatever path they take when they’re traveling out of home and also after they arrive at their destination.
But there’s more to marketing success than simply meeting their eye with savvy ad placements. The type of inventory you choose to deliver your message, and the content you present, also depend on where your desired viewers are, what they’re doing and how fast they’re moving.
1. Driving by
Static outdoor DOOH placements can snare the attention of drivers and passengers as they are headed around town or off on a long-awaited road trip. Roadside billboards are the classic drive-by example. However, mobile DOOH on buses, trains, taxis, rideshares and wrapped vehicles can steer your message right past your audience.
2. Walking by
The slower pace of pedestrian traffic means people have more time to notice and read your ad than they do when passing by in a vehicle.
3. Standing (or sitting) nearby
Pedestrians also have the advantage of stopping mid-sidewalk to take in the “fine print.” That allows for more complex messages and different types of interactive content. For example, QR codes are easy to capture when you’re standing still in front of a poster, not so much on a roadside billboard or moving vehicle.
Places where people are waiting or seated can also provide contextual relevance for your messaging. For example, thanks to COVID, medical waiting rooms have replaced hands-on reading material with digital screens that display educational information – and your ad.
4. Flying by
DOOH even offers a birds-eye view to high-rise urbanites and aircraft passengers. Consumers at street level can see your ad on the side of the bus, folks on the 13th floor (or the 113th floor) can gaze upon your ad posted on the roof of the bus. Rooftop ads speak to those at higher altitudes as they arrive and depart.
And speaking of flying, when it comes to DOOH, the airport has it all going on. This place is riddled with exceptional opportunities to catch your traveling target’s eye while they’re:
- Driving to and from
- Walking through the entrances, exits and concourses
- Sitting or standing around in the lounge, food court, flight waiting area or baggage claim (three-quarters of frequent flyers arrive more than an hour ahead of their boarding time!)
- Taking off and landing
It’s a matter of dwell time
Outdoor advertising provides exceptional opportunities to reach a large, broad audience. Depending on the amount of foot or vehicle traffic, the time of day and how many days your ad will be on display, you can achieve plentiful frequency as folks are repeatedly exposed to your message. This is great, especially if your goal is to build brand awareness or make some other very simple point.
How long does the consumer viewer have to actually see and grasp your message? This is called dwell time and in most cases it tends to be very short. Even a few seconds can be crucial depending on your goal. The longer the dwell time, the greater your opportunity to not only grab but keep your target’s attention, making a truly memorable impression that encourages further engagement.
People waiting to catch the bus or a subway train may have several minutes to contemplate your ad. If it’s a digital ad, they will likely see it repeatedly. The same is true for people eating in a restaurant, waiting in line or seated in a stadium.
Now serving an audience near you
With static OOH, your content is there for all to see, 24/7. With digital OOH, your message appears in rotation with other ads, typically with dwell time around 8-10 seconds. Because DOOH screens are controlled remotely via apps, they can be programmed to automatically deliver content when and where your targets are most likely to be viewing – content specifically tailored to them that can trigger response to any one of the four micro-moments your audience may experience, whether they want to get more information or make a purchase right now.
If you’re looking to serve up tasty content that’ll have your audience clamoring for seconds, DOOH consumption paths can lead them right to your door.