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Out-of-the-box ABM

Extend your marketing mix outside the "Facebook/Adwords" box

1 min read

How to Beat Facebook with Billboards

2019 was a heckuva year.

In 2019, two case studies were published that revealed a problem and an opportunity.

In the summer of 2019, Facebook published a case study showing that when combine with Out of Home advertising (things like billboards) that Facebook and Instagram ads were 13% more effective.

A couple of months later, LiveIntent published a case study showing that social media marketers spending more than $100,000/mo were concerned about rising ad costs and declining performance.

It seemed too obvious. Solve the latter with the former. Except there was one problem - no plug and play way to do it.

What's in the playbook?

Everything. All of it.

What we did.

How we did it.

Screenshots of metrics our actual ad account.


The results. All of it.

What we found

The results were, frankly, shocking and far too robust for just a blog post. So, that's why we made a playbook instead.

Unpack the entire campaign from inception to conception to what comes next.

Download the playbook - How to beat Facebook with Billboards