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3 Companies Who Are Doing QR Code Marketing the Right Way

Over the last few weeks, we've reviewed some benefits of QR code marketing. We've cleared the air on common misconceptions. And we've outlined some tactics and tips for brand marketers and small business owners to use in their own campaigns.

To bring it all home, today we want to showcase businesses and agencies doing QR code marketing the right way. As these examples illustrate, knowing your users' needs, eliminating barriers to entry, and utilizing creative campaigns can help marketers shorten the customer journey and increase lifetime value, while reducing overall ad costs.

1. Intersection & Elle Eyewear

In November 2020, Intersection launched digital storefronts to bridge the physical and digital worlds and offer a convenient, safe shopping experience in a world affected by a global pandemic. Brands can now partner with the leader in smart city technology to implement creative, interactive QR marketing campaigns. These out-of-home (OOH) campaigns use QR codes to reach consumers across kiosks, bus shelters, digital walls, and digital urban panels.

As the company points out, QR code demand has been up 600% since the COVID-19 pandemic first affected businesses in March 2020. Plus, 80% of consumers now shop more on smartphones. However, while e-commerce may have skyrocketed during COVID, consumers still seek a safe, in-person experience that OOH can provide. These QR campaigns work well because they offer brands the ability to reach consumers who are already on their smartphones.

By empowering consumers to interact with OOH advertising methods in a safe way, brands can cater to the needs of their consumers. As we recently discussed, engaging consumers with QR codes can make life easier—which, in turn, can boost brand engagement. QR codes can also eliminate the need for consumers to carry cash or make in-person payments. By enabling convenient, contactless brand discovery and point-of-sale transactions, brands can boost OOH advertising success.

Intersection Elle Eyewear ooh campaign

2. Clear Channel Outdoor & HSBC

QR codes should be as easy and accessible to scan—and your campaign goal should be front and center. It's important to be intentional. Campaigns still need to deliver the core message to consumers. Adding a QR code should complement, not complicate, your messaging. Telling your audience where QR codes will eventually direct them can better engage your consumers. And as this HSBC campaign illustrates, it's important that QR code marketing efforts let end-users know what to expect.

In this recent OOH campaign, Europe's largest bank puts a call-to-action of asking for donations front and center. Implementing classic OOH design elements, this campaign's bold headline demands your attention. And if you want additional information, it's made easy by scanning the supporting copy below. Finally, the billboard's QR is explicitly eye-level, taking advantage of a captive audience, instructing what HSBC would like them to do next.

By transforming a tried-and-true placement into an interactive piece of media, HSBC is reaching users on a familiar medium and making it easy to take the next step towards the campaign goal. It also illustrates how it's possible to naturally integrate QR codes into your current marketing efforts. Ultimately, this campaign is a perfect example of incorporating QR codes into marketing campaigns without sacrificing the roots of creative concepting or brand identity.

Clear Channel Outdoor HSBC ooh campaign

3) A Lot Media & Rise Coffee

They say location is everything—and A Lot Media knows that targeting consumers in high-traffic areas like parking decks is a great way to increase the reach of their ads. Displaying QR code promos on billboards, signs, or other OOH formats can reach consumers in convenient, contextually relevant locations. In this scenario, the company uses a QR code to reach caffeine-deprived consumers who may be looking for a coffee while parking their car in the morning (yes, please!).

As an OOH media company that specializes in place-based advertising, in parking lots and garages, A Lot Media reaches consumers during high-impact times (like a daily commute or before/after shopping). However, because consumers may be in a rush during these times, it's important to engage them with creative, intentional ads that are easy to act on. By positioning this promo for Rise Coffee in plain language, A Lot Media helps make it easy for consumers to know exactly what to expect.

A Lot Media Rise ooh campaign

Have you seen any recent examples of creative, cool QR campaigns? Send them our way!

Download the QR Code Marketing eBook about adding value to the customer journey thru the use of QR Codes.