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Let's Talk

Out-of-the-box ABM

Extend your marketing mix outside the "Facebook/Adwords" box

3 min read

Rise in Travel Primes Audiences for OOH

Does it seem like everyone you know is going places this summer? Maybe you are, too. Travel is up, in every way, and that means more ways — and more locations — for marketers to reach consumers out in the real world.

Awash in digital fatigue and sick of being stuck at home, Americans are giving in to their pent-up desire to travel. For two years, they've been stocking up on stay-at-home stuff — exercise equipment, athleisure wear, etc.

Now it seems everyone is buying airline tickets. Or packing up the car for a road trip. In fact, in a new survey of consumers across the country, 63% said they plan to take a road trip this summer.

And marketers take note: 70% of them said they frequently notice — and even comment on — OOH ads while on road trips.

Consumers are eager for new experiences

No matter where your target audience falls on the age spectrum, you can bet they'll be on the move this year.

They are acutely aware of what was lost during the pandemic. Not only in-person contact and relationships, but contact and connection with the world around them. They're hyper-aware of physical surroundings now, more so than before the pandemic.

They are looking to achieve greater mindfulness and a renewed sense of belonging.

And they are increasingly comfortable with travel-related activities. According to the latest weekly stats from Morning Consult, as of June 15th, more than half of American adults are OK with:

  • Taking a train or bus
  • Staying in a major hotel, boutique hotel or Airbnb type home-share

Astronomical fuel prices? So what?

On average, airline tickets sold for travel in July 2022 are 35% more expensive than for July 2019, just before the pandemic really hit. Even so, American travel to Europe is predicted to be 6x what it was last year.

And we all know what has happened to gas prices. Nonetheless, travel is on the must-do list anyway.

The phenomenon even has a name: revenge travel.

They're getting away to relax

TravelPulse reports more than 4 in 5 Americans plan to travel this summer, 20% of them internationally. A bit over half plan to fly, with about half of those planning more than one airborne trip. Of those who plan to drive, about a fifth expect to drive more than 500 miles, and 7% plan to drive more than 1,000 miles.

All ages plan to take between one and five leisure trips this year:

  • 82% percent of Baby Boomers (even AARP is promoting road trips to seniors, a segment of the population particularly hard-hit by the pandemic)
  • 75% of Gen-Xers
  • 73% of both Gen-Zers and Millennials

If you market to millennials (and who doesn't?), consider this:

  • 79% prefer domestic destinations
  • They take 69% more weekend trips than other age groups
  • More than a third plan to take a city break (mini-trip) to some metropolitan US city this year

Travelers are on the job, too. Deloitte predicts that business travel will "grow significantly" as 2022 progresses. They note that conferences and events now rank among the top 3 reasons for business travel.

OOH connects brands with those on the go

With everyone leaving home, out-of-home is the place to be. And it's literally everywhere:

  • Indoors and out
  • Stationary or mobile
  • Land, sea or air

Air travel means airports and the routes to and from them, as well as hotels, restaurants, etc. Every one of these locations is an OOH-friendly advertising venue.

Perhaps this is a good time to refresh yourself on all the different types of OOH and DOOH media you can use to spread your message, whether you want to reach the masses or just a narrow niche.

As noted above, conferences are driving increased business travel. If your brand is planning to sponsor or exhibit at an upcoming event, incorporating OOH in and around the venue can help you dominate the scene.

Out-of-home captures the imagination

It engages viewers. It makes interaction easy and instantaneous. And it delivers memorable experiences.

All these attributes make OOH the channel marketers are turning to reinforce branding, introduce new start-up businesses or new products or services or give a big boost to existing omni-channel advertising campaigns.

Whether your target audience is planning a few road trips, a longer vacation or the trip of a lifetime to some exotic overseas destination, creatively using OOH allows you to take the trip with them.